

Friday, March 10, 2006

End of Feudalism

One is often sad to see the end of an era, and that certainly seems to be the case with this news: Democracy will replace feudal rule on Sark, one of the smaller Channel Islands. Sark was previously ruled by a mixed feudal government, with both landed gentry and twelve non land-owner "deputies" elected by all islanders over 18.

Not everyone is pleased with the change:

Only 165 [out of 600] islanders took part in a ballot-style opinion poll that asked which model of change the population favored.

"Feudalism is a great system and has worked very well for the island. What people wanted was an option of no change at all," resident Jennifer Cochrane said by telephone from her island home.

"It is an enormous leap, a bigger leap than we had wanted. The island was hoping to reform through evolution, not revolution."
Sark (along with the other Channel Islands) also suffered the unfortunate distinction of being the only part of Britain invaded by the Nazis in World War II. They were invaded in 1940 and held until 1945.


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