

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Starting to Meme

We've recently been tagged on several memes, and now it's time to tackle them and post them.

Scott Carson of An Examined Life started this one: Who are the five Catholic (or Christian) bloggers whom you would most like to meet in person, but have not (yet)?

Darwin probably has his own list, but here's mine, in no particular order.
1. Julie D.
2. C and DMinor
3. Dorian
4. Matthew Lickona
5. The set of Ohio bloggers: Fr. Fox, Rich Leonardi, Jay Anderson, Scott Carson

That last may be cheating, but as we plan to take a trip to Ohio in May and travel around the state a bit, perhaps we'll be fortunate enough to put these fine gentlemen on the list of Catholic bloggers we've met:

1. Jen

All of the above may consider themselves tagged, if they so desire.

UPDATE from Darwin:

Just tossing a few more in from my perspective (though not in disagreement with my wife's picks:

Go shooting with Fidei.

Sit around girl watching with Rick.

Drink a beer with Tex.

Play a game of Go with Slick.

Talk with Scott Carson and (straying outside the Catholic fold) Razib (though not necessarily at the same time -- and perhaps it would work better to include Razib in the girl watching).


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