

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I am Woman, see me run!

Well, gentle readers, it starts. Hillary Clinton has just announced her candidacy for the 2008 presidential elections:

NEW YORK -- Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton embarked on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House on Saturday, a former first lady intent on becoming the first female president.

"I'm in and I'm in to win,'' she said on her Web site, announcing that she planned to form an exploratory committee.

...Ms. Clinton, who was re-elected to a second term last November, said she will spend the next two years "doing everything in my power to limit the damage George W. Bush can do. But only a new president will be able to undo Bush's mistakes and restore our hope and optimism.''

In a defiant statement -- and a nod to questions about her electability -- Ms. Clinton said: "I have never been afraid to stand up for what I believe in or to face down the Republican machine. After nearly $70 million spent against my campaigns in New York and two landslide wins, I can say I know how Washington Republicans think, how they operate, and how to beat them.''

If this doesn't shake up the GOP but fast and galvanize the base, I don't know what will. Love her or hate her, you have to hand it to Hillary -- she has the knack for igniting strong passions in voters. That's more than you could say for Bob Dole.

I don't know that we have much of a liberal readership, but can anyone answer: If you're a serious liberal, do the Democratic front-runners truly seem like candidates to get excited about? Barack Obama, Hillary, John Edwards -- these seem like gimmick candidacies. It's as if the Republicans were trying to run Schwartzenegger nationally. He's been kinda successful in California (though even the Gubernator can't lick the unions out there) but he doesn't seem to have real ideas and true national scope. He's a media personality, elected in a media state. He will ever be known as an action star. And I think Hillary is going to have a hard time shaking off the eight years she already spent in the White House. Remember HillaryCare?


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