

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New blog to watch

There's a new Central Texas Catholic in the St. Blogosphere: Literacy-Chic, who writes Words, Words. Here's how she describes herself:
Read it "Literacy chick" or "Literacy chic"; I am a female Ph.D. student who likes to think about literacy and its affect on the interior life of the individual's mind. Does literacy affect consciousness? More importantly, do people think that literacy affects consciousness? I am hoping this mode of lit crit will become chic--but not before I publish on it! Teetering on the brink of 30, I am a proud wife, mother, and convert with a capital "C" (for Catholic). I have been a mother and a wife for 10yrs, Ph.D. student for 5. I was a big sister for even longer. Multi-tasking with little people around is second-nature to me, though not without its challenges. I have seen how feminists theorize the role of "mother" and haven't found theoretical space for "me." But I don't need theory to support what I do from day-to-day, though it can be fun. I am a Catholic academic. As there seem to be few acceptable venues for discussion of faith and academic life, some theorizing about these two may surface. As an enthusiastic practicing Catholic who is not happy with her current parish home, and who likes difficult theology, I will certainly have Catholic-happy posts. Do with them as you will.
She was kind enough to link to us in this post on motherhood:
We have a rather unhealthy dichotomy in our contemporary conception of motherhood--a word that good feminists would avoid because it connotes an identity rather than an act--"working mother" is set in opposition to "stay-at-home mom." These terms are interesting in themselves, as "mother" lends more of an air of seriousness to the former situation than the less formal "mom." Hmmmm. . . Of course, working part-time in order to parent also connotes certain personal and financial sacrifices for family. I am aware of a married couple who divorced due to their conflict over whose career was more important. No children without compromise! For me, academia, perhaps grad school in particular! offers a reasonable compromise between these competing versions of motherhood. And dual academic careers are ideal.
I feel I ought to start compiling a list of Catholic bloggers in Central Texas -- the ranks are swelling...


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