

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Weird Habits Meme

I've been tagged by Rick for the weird habits meme -- list five weird habits, then inflict the meme on others. You all know the drill.

1. Not exactly weird, but just a bad habit -- I, like Rick, bite my nails. That's why I never wear any rings but my wedding ring -- no sense in drawing any unneccessary attention to my hands.

2. Here's weird for you. When I was young, my family lived in a trailer on nine acres of Virginia countryside, and we had a shared well with the neighbors. Consequently, the water pressure was low. To this day I never flush the toilet before taking a shower, scarred by childhood memories of no water pressure and no hot water.

3. I never brush my hair. Brushing makes it frizz and float. Instead, after a shower I run my fingers through it and then put a bit of Frizz-ease and gel in, then let it dry. This comes from having Naturally Curly hair -- my sisters can sympathize.

4. I eat my cereal without milk, generally -- I picked that one up from Darwin.

5. I make the sign of the cross after the Penitential Rite during Mass. Many other people do it as well, but I've never known why, and it's always slightly bothered me that if I were pressed as to why that sign of the cross is there, I couldn't answer. Anyone who knows, please tell me!

If a meme has worked its way down to me, that means that all the other bloggers have already been tagged. I'll just invite anyone who wants to list their weird habits to do so in the comment box, with a special invitation to commenter Barbfromcincy -- not because I think she has any weird habits, but because it's always a pleasure to hear from her!


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