

Monday, January 2, 2006

Hello, 2006!

Thanks to everyone who's offered words of encouragement lately. Even though we've been slow to respond (this is the first day I've read my own blog in almost a week!), we are paying attention and grateful for all your prayers.

Coming up soon, look for my response to Rick Lugari's latest meme (I am NOT aging, Rick!); our continuing thoughts on homeschooling as well as some of our latest reading ventures in that direction; updates on Darwin's father (not much to tell, really -- he's still hanging on, God love him); and New Horizons in Organization for the New Year. Plus, it's time to start getting things ready for the homebirth and young Smaskig's advent in about two months. (What, oh what to do with the placenta? Bury it, freeze it. toss it, barbeque it?)

So the long and short of it is that blogging will be getting back to a regular schedule, and we appreciate your patience with our sporadic posts over the past month.


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