

Monday, February 12, 2007

2007 Catholic Blog Awards

The 2007 Catholic Blog Awards are open for voting, and we'd like to thank our loyal readers for nominating us to these categories:

Smartest Blog
Best Written Catholic Blog
Best Political/Social Commentary Catholic Blog
Best Group Blog

Welcome to any new readers who found us while sifting through the press of candidates.

**Update (from Darwin)**
Clearly, we'd be gready to run actively for all of these. Given that the awards this year allow you to vote only once, and require that you do so in all categories you're going to vote in at once, votes must be used wisely. If anyone wants to chime in with guidance as to what our campaign strategy should be, feel free. Otherwise, we'll come in with some ideas from campaign headquarters once we've convinced the little ones that it is not acceptable to fight in the war room.


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