

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bishop Vigneron's 10 Rules

Patrick of Orthonormal Basis linked to a truly wonderful column by Bishop Vigneron of Oakland (there's a job that must be tough) entitled 10 rules for handling disagreement like a Christian. Some highlights:

1. The Rule of Charity: “Charity is primary.”...

2. The Rule of Publicity: “Think with the mind of the Church.”
This rule is simply a translation of the Latin axiom “Sentire cum Ecclesia.” This means that, when we disagree, the final measure for judging what’s on target and what’s off the mark is what the Church thinks, not, ultimately, what you think or what I think – not private opinion, but what the Church has said to all to know.... In order to apply this rule effectively, we need to use a corollary: “Measure everything against the authoritative documents of the Magisterium.”...

3. The Rule of Legitimate Freedom: “What the Church allows is not to be disallowed.”
This rule means that in situations where the Church says that a variety of views or opinions is legitimate, I should not impose my option as a mandate on others....

4. The Rule of Catholic Freedom: “There’s something for everybody, but not everything is for everybody.”
... We need to respect every practice or approach that has a legitimate place in the life of the Church, and we cannot make our favorite practice or approach mandatory for others if the Church has not.

5. The Rule of Modesty: “Not all of my causes are God’s causes.”...

6. The Rule of Integrity: “To do evil in order to accomplish good is really to do evil.”
Breaking one of God’s commandments is not the way to advance his Kingdom, ever....

7. The Rule of Realism: “Remember that Satan is eager to corrupt my efforts to build up the Kingdom, and he’s smart enough to figure out a way to do it."
This rule is strong statement about the need for each of us in our disagreements to practice that form of realism, for which the more common name is “humility.” My cause may be right or my view may be true, but I have to watch that their goodness is not corrupted by my infidelity....

8. The Rule of Mystery: “Not all the habits and attitudes which belong to a society governed by a representative democracy are appropriate in the Church.”...

9. The Petrine Rule: “Nobody ever built up the Church by tearing down the pope.”...

10. The Eschatological Rule: “The victory is assured; my job is to run out the clock with style.” Christ is risen – truly, body and soul risen and in glory at the Father’s right. He has conquered sin and death and all the forces that threaten us. Whatever is at stake in our trials or conflicts, the certainty of Christ’s victory is not in doubt....


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