

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Poetry Corner, Hokey-Pokey edition

Last night, Eleanor came in, struck a pose, and declaimed,

"Who has seen the plunger?
Neither you nor I
But when the toilet overflows
The plunger is nearby."

And so! On that note, Thomas D of Dark Speech Upon the Harp gives you The Hokey-Pokey, in the style of

Thomas Hardy
Edgar Allen Poe
TS Eliot, Roethke, Emily Dickinson, Allan Ginsberg
Wallace Stevens, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Mary Oliver
Celtic Hokey-Pokey: Seamus Heaney, Dylan Thomas, Gerard Manley Hopkins
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Bob the Ape retorts with:

Edgar Lee Masters
Omar Khayyam, in the FitzGerald translation

Actually, you should just read down both their sites for the limericks.


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