

Monday, March 2, 2009

So Much For Selection

While out on a round of birthday shopping (typically last minute) for our Now Very Big Three-Year-Old Girl, I stopped by Borders thinking, "Surely a place as big as Borders will have the currently in-print translations of Dante and I can see if any of them have footnotes on every page instead of the end of each canto."

Ha. More fool I.

I checked in both Literature and Poetry (a two bookshelf section sharing an aisle with the much larger Gay & Lesbian section) but they did not have a single Dante translation. Not one.

And they wonder why we say the world is going to the dogs.

So I spent a little time yesterday evening browsing the Look Inside! links on Amazon and it appears that there are no current editions with notes on the bottom of the page. Sorry, Bearing. I am, however, very curious to pick up the Anthony Esolen translations. Soon, but soon, I hope.

If you don't mind reading online, the Cotter translation has notes right next to the text.


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