

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Weekend at Julie D's

Y'all just wish you could have been there this weekend when the Darwins descended in force upon the homestead of Julie D.

Before we descended on Julie, though, we descended upon the Irish Fest, and I have a question for those in the know: what is the rationale behind the bizarre way that Irish dancers curl their hair? Here's a photo from the website of one of the groups we saw.

These ladies are actually wearing wigs, but why? Why is this a desired look for Irish dancers? I found the hair very distracting, to be honest.

Aside from that, the Fest was fun. We saw a few shows, ate authentic Irish food like barbequed chicken salad on a fried tortilla, and watched a bagpipe group perform in full regalia. The girls got free wooden whistles (which, mercifully, have already broken). We strolled past rows of vendors selling leather shoes and wooden swords, and gazed respectfully at the Irish wolfhounds. And when young attention spans had reached their limits, we set out for Julie D's.

And now the scoop you've all been waiting for: Julie D is as cool as her blog, and then some. She and her husband Tom are hospitable and friendly and wonderfully conversant, and they possess a pair of the most child-friendly large dogs I've ever met. (The girls were quite upset that we couldn't take the dogs home with us.) As you would expect, her house is full of books. Dinner was delicious -- Julie is quite the cook. And most important of all, Julie and Tom are the sort of people who remember what it was like to have toddlers. Oh, gentle readers, this is a rare fine quality in a person. Anyone who can smile benignly as over-excited and then over-tired children charge through her house and bellow at the dogs and cough through the night is a friend to be treasured. Amen.

(Confidential to Rick Lugari: wouldn't you like to know what we said about you?)


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