

Thursday, March 8, 2007

English Boys Sing Orthodox?

The recent library trip also yielded a recording of the Choir of King's College, Cambridge performing Rachmaninov's setting of the Liturgy of St. John Chysostom.

It is, as you would expect, very good. But it at times feels a little odd when the Englishness of the voices comes out. Reminds me of the Cambridge Singers CD of Christmas music that we have: most of it great, but a few American classics such as Go Tell It On The Mountain don't quite fly with an English choir delivery.

This is much closer to right than that. (They have the basses needed, which is always key in pulling off Russian music. "It's the wodka," explained a Russian Catholic friend of mine.) But there are moments when it seems a tiny bit off.

Hopefully a Dante post later today... I'm going to have to hurry if I'm going to make it through Purgatorio (at least) before Easter.


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