

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Jack's funeral, and a thank you

Barb writes this account of Jack's funeral:
Friday morning we woke up to dreary, rainy weather. A grim day for our Jack. It was amazing, however, that it would stop raining whenever the men were carrying Jack's casket in or out of a building. My mother always says that there's an old saying that goes: "Happy the soul the rain falls on". If that's the case, then our Jack must be gloriously happy indeed.

The funeral Mass was crowded, approximately 1000 people there. Some people told us later that they couldn't find a place to park and figured that if there were that many cars, the church must be filled, so they sadly left. The Mass was beautiful, Father gave an awesome homily, the local Catholic boys' highschool sent their Glee Club to sing, the school principal gave a tribute to Jack, and even Jack's older sister Lindsey (age 12) got up and read a beautiful tribute also.

When we arrived at the cemetery, we went into a chapel in the mausoleum instead of being outside and Father said the final prayers...such beautiful words of consolation. Then the people from the cemetery had about 50 balloons that they handed out and we all went outside and released them together, sending our messages to Jack. It was a great way of making it easier to leave....

"Life is like a cycle.
Like a plant.....
It is born.
It does some good,
like it is medicine
for someone,
and then it dies."


To be born again in heaven.

This was the inside front page of Jack's funeral Mass program.

In the back, Jay and Suzy wrote this message and I wanted to pass it on to all of you who prayed for Jack and our family because this message is for you too... the first part is another quote from Jack.

"God really watches out for all of us. Like whenever I need a Lego piece
that I can't find, I pray and then a few minutes later,
it's right there!"

We too, have learned that God watches out for us. Our prayers
have been answered in each one of you. When you asked about
Jack, or watched over Lindsey and Kyle or brought us meals or
organized events or offered your prayers and support for our
family, we have felt God's presence. We cannot express enough
our thanks and deep gratitude to all of you. May God bless you always.

Jay, Suzy, Lindsey, Kyle

Jay and Suzy were always amazed and touched whenever I told them about all of you praying for Jack and our family. You have truly been a witness to all of us of Christian brotherhood.

God bless!


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