

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

A Small Miracle

Our Jack continues to be full of surprises...

When we got to their house with dinner, they were all excited because he had come out of the coma and was awake! He opened his eyes and looked at Suzy and she said, "I love you, Jack" and he answered, "I love you too". That's all he said, but what wonderful words to hear.

Amazing! What joy it brought! He looked at each one of us as we talked to him. He didn't answer us, but we could tell he could hear us. Then he went back to sleep. But he is squeezing their hands again and now we wait and see how long this will last.

It is an answer to prayer to see how accepting Suzy and Jay have become to the fact of Jack's approaching death. Jay was saying tonight what a great little intercessor we will all have in to my ears to hear him talking in such a spiritual way. God is good, indeed.

I know I have all you dear people to thank for your prayers. I know it has helped them in obtaining the grace to have this calm and peacefulness. What a gift you all are....the community of the Body of Christ.

God is so good to send this comfort to Jack's grieving family. Keep everyone in your prayers: Jack's birthday is Friday.

Venerable Louis and Zelie Martin, Servants of God,
You offered many prayers for your own sick children.
We unite our prayers with yours for Jack's healing.
May God look favorably on your intercession and, in His Mercy, grant us our request.
May His will be done in all things.

Venerable Louis and Zelie, pray for us!


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