

Monday, August 14, 2006

Learning Organization from the Heathen

Things had come to a head. I'd hit the point where I thought I'd dealt with all outstanding tasks for the day, only to be reminded the next day of some fairly essential thing that I'd forgotton, one too many times. (Indeed, a few clients and coworkers might say, rather more than one too many times.) Somehow, despite using a phone journal, my Outlook Calendar, a trouble ticket system and project management software, things were slipping through -- usually things that I committed to on the phone or in person at some point when I didn't have my computer in front of me.

So I decided to get a Franklin Planner. I used to carry a Franklin back in high school and early college, but I'd lapsed on entering the working world, because I never seemed to need it all that much. Having changed job descriptions a few times since then, however, it seemed like time to give the thing a try again. (They have all sort of Franklin software as well these day, but since my problems usually stemmed from when I was not in front of a computer, and I have a fetish for nice pens, I figured that a paper system was the way to go.) The new planner is supposed to arrive shortly, so we'll see whether I manage to get myself organized or not...

As I was waiting for a big data pull to come back (which seems to be when a lot of my internet reading comes in) I ran accross an old Salon article in which the rather dubious author tries out a Franklin Planner. I can't say I share her fears that greater organization will turn me into an automiton (though I also never bothered to use the sections that were supposed to help you with "life planning") but I was somewhat amused to hear that the Franklin system was developed by devout Mormons, the founder actualy being a descentant of Brigam Young.

Do I need to go get the thing blessed when it arrives lest I be taken over by the most American of all religions?

I'll take my chances, I think. Still, I was amused.

And if the Franklin system represents, as the Salon author claims, a peculiarly Mormon approach to organization, what would a peculiarly Catholic approach to organization looks like? Should I get planner inserts for the Divine Office and the Angelus?


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