

Friday, August 25, 2006

Jack in the ICU

Barb informs me that Jack's mother had to call 911 today because he had a seizure. There were some frightening moments where he was in an unresponsive state and would only stare blankly. Fortunately he's out of the seizure now, but he's still hospitalized and under sedation. They have him in ICU for observation and have done a CT scan to see if they can find out why it happened. The family had been hoping that Jack would have a few "normal" weeks while he continued his present chemo, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

Every time I post an update on Jack I include his prayer. Please take a moment to pray whenever you read it.
Venerable Louis and Zelie Martin, Servants of God,
You offered many prayers for your own sick children.
We unite our prayers with yours for Jack's healing.
May God look favorably on your intercession and, in His Mercy, grant us our request.
May His will be done in all things.

Venerable Louis and Zelie, pray for us!


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