

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Prayers requested for Jack

Please keep Jack in your prayers:
We just received word that Jay and Suzy had to take Jack back to the hospital. He is running a fever of 105 degrees and his blood pressure is low. They put him in the Intensive Care Unit as a precaution. Any prayers you could send his way would be greatly appreciated!
Jack and all his family are truly encouraged by all the prayers offered for them. Feel free to leave comments and notes of support for them here, and Barb (our faithful correspondant) will pass them along to the family.
Venerable Louis and Zelie Martin, Servants of God,
You offered many prayers for your own sick children.
We unite our prayers with yours for Jack's healing.
May God look favorably on your intercession and, in His Mercy, grant us our request.
May His will be done in all things.

Venerable Louis and Zelie, pray for us!


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