

Friday, June 2, 2006

Further Update on Jack

From Barb:
I wanted to update you on Jack...
We heard this morning that his blood counts are coming back up, the infection is clearing up, and he is feeling better....hopefully, he will be able to come home on Monday. He will be having another MRI next Thursday to see if the chemo has helped at all. The next step will be determined from the results of that.
Thank you for all of your is such a comfort to us that there are people who don't even know Jack who are willing to pray for him.

And the prayer for Jack:
Venerable Louis and Zelie Martin, Servants of God,
You offered many prayers for your own sick children.
We unite our prayers with yours for Jack's healing.
May God look favorably on your intercession and, in His Mercy, grant us our request.
May His will be done in all things.

Venerable Louis and Zelie, pray for us!


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