

Monday, May 1, 2006

The Sign

Recently I had been considering getting more involved at church, and wondered what role I should sign up for. I had been leaning toward being a lector, perhaps, but hadn't made up my mind. And then this Sunday I read a notice in the bulletin:
Liturgical Committee

Fr. A___ is in the process of forming a Liturgical Committee for the Parish. People interested in art, environment and learning more about the Liturgical Seasons of the Church are welcom. THis will involve time for workshops and formation, and the study of some Church documents. The committee will be responsible for the church environment during Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter season. If you are interested, please call the office and leave your name. Deadline for signing up is Friday, May 5, 2006.

Ching! I called this morning. If someone's going to be responsible for the church environment during the holiest days of the year, I'd rather it be me and see it done right than sit in the pew complaining about the decor.

Do you think it would help if I described myself as having studied theatre, acting, directing, and design, and mentioned that I'd designed sets for plays in college? Do you think that my few months of professional experience as a stage manager and production assistant would carry some weight? I wonder if that would matter more than a desire to follow the Church's guidelines for proper liturgy.

Q: If you were going to overhaul our parish's liturgy, what would be your first move?

A: I'd read the Church documents on Liturgy

Q: And then?

A: I'd read them again.

Q: And then?

A: I'd read them again, just to be sure.

I just hope I'll never find myself in need of Liturgical Anonymous.


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