

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Prayers requested

BarbfromCincy, one of our faithful commenters, passed along a prayer request for her nephew Jack.
Jack, who is only 8, was diagnosed with brain cancer last May. He had surgery and has been receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment since. Last Wednesday, we found out that there is another spot on his brain in a different spot. He is having surgery again today to do a biopsy and see what, if anything, they can do. If the cancer is back, his prognosis is very poor. He has been really patient through all of this and never complains. We would greatly appreciate any prayers you could send his way.
Please keep Jack and his family (and his aunt Barb!) in your prayers. I'll post any updates as I get them.

UPDATE: Barb posts in the comments below:
It definitely is cancer again, unfortunately...the surgeon could see spots on his brain on the entire area he viewed. Very bad news..His parents are devastated. It is so hard to watch your child suffer and know that, without a miracle, you're going to lose them...
Thanks to all who have prayed for him...we appreciate it greatly.


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