

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Shocking True Story!!!

Scott Carson tips us all off to the amazing expose performed for us by NPR. It seems that people are only just now realizing that there is evidence that has been sitting around in plain sight nearly two millennia that women were on a totally equal footing with men during the first three centuries of the Church's existence. The Vatican is still trying to keep the lid on this, but forward-looking Catholics know that this silence won't last forever. People are just so much smarter and nicer than they were in 1800 or 1500 or 1200 or 800 or indeed any time since the early, feminist-friendly age of the Church.

Don't doubt your senses, ladies and gentlemen. NPR has provided us with photographic evidence. For instance, in this shocking photo which the Vatican doesn't want you to see, but which FutureChurch discovered on their recent pilgrimage, you can see "A mosaic of women who became saints after risking their lives to collect the relics of martyrs, St. Praxedes church, Rome."

Well, I bet you sheep reared on the lies of the male dominated church weren't ready for that one.

And how about this even stereotype defying image of "A mosaic in St. Praxedes church, Rome. Theodora is on the left with a square halo, indicating she was alive when the mosaic was made." I mean, that pretty much says it right there, doesn't it. Take that, you attack dogs of male domination.

Sure, there's the little mis-step of Theodora being a creature of the sixth century rather than the third, when the alleged Golden Age was, but that doesn't discourage this happy pilgrim:

"We would just like to talk to our leaders," said Sister Christine Schenk, co-leader of the pilgrimage, "and tell them of our experience--how we can begin to re-institute that wonderful balanced leadership we had in the first three centuries of both women and men leading the communities."

And luckily, although the male dominated Church was working so hard to squelch the memory of women like Theodora that she's lovingly depicted in mosaics throughout the West and East, we have sources like the Secret History which shed light on her real character -- surely something every feminist could love.


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