

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Reading in 100 Easy Lessons: Lesson 63

We're trucking through the 100 Easy Lessons, and Noogs is picking up some steam. By lesson 63 you're reading short stories like "The Rich Pig":
A dog was in the park. He met a pig. The dog said, "Pigs do not live in parks. Pigs live on farms.
The pig said, "Not this pig. I am a rich pig. I live on a ship."
The dog said, "Take me to this ship."
So the pig and the dog went to the ship. But the waves made the ship rock. And the dog got sick.
The end.
We don't follow the lessons word-for-word anymore, because I know by now what does and doesn't work for Noogs. She's getting very good at sounding out words, and is reading more and more words when we go out. ("Look, Mommy! "Target!")

A friend lent us her Bob books (recommended by several readers here) and Noogs has been enjoying those. Unfortunately the first set wasn't included, but I find that by now we can go straight to the second and third sets. I like mixing these reading programs because that way she learns sounds that aren't introduced in the 100 Lessons until later (such as the y sound in "happy" or the "ou" in mouse).

All in all, I feel like reading is going quite well. Noogs can sit now and read her simple books to herself or Babs, and that gives her a lot of confidence. Babs is singing her alphabet these days, with Noogs's help. Ah, sisterly aid!

Anyone know anything about Seton's new phonics book for kindergartners? I had a look through them at a friend's house, and they seem a lot like the old Modern Curriculum Press books that my younger siblings used. I think Noogs would benefit from a workbook for writing -- she doesn't show much interest in simply writing a row of letters as the 100 Easy Lessons would have her do. The Seton books look fun for a youngster, and have some illustrations by the man who illustrated Angel in the Waters.


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