

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

And I Nominate...

I'm kind of charmed by the Catholic Blog Awards, so I was itching to nominate someone. Hopefully I'll come up with more later to but to start the day off right I've nominated Scott Carson of An Examined Life for "most insightful blog" (how else could one describe a blog that finds fascinating things to say about McDonalds, the Mitford novels and Frank McCourt all in the same week) and Fr. Martin Fox of Bonfire of the Vanities for "best blog by a priest or religious" (need one say more?).

However, I must say there are some catagories that I think they could add:

Best Eastern Rite Blog: Pauca Lux Ex Oriente (keeper of the Holy Hand Grenade awards)
Best Use of Astronomical Imagery: CatholicSensibility
Best Retired (Aging?) Blog: City of God
Best Conservative Catholic Science Writer: Farrell Media
Most Subversive Fake Blog: Blogging Ex Cathedra
Most Papal Blog: Musum Pontificalis

Special thanks to CollegeCatholic (best by someone who was in kindergarden when I was in junior high?) who nominated us for Most Intellectual Blog -- though I think I'd have a better chance in "most long-winded blog".


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