

Friday, November 11, 2005

My Wildest Dreams Come True!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have received an honor that I never thought was possible: I have been mentioned in an Iowahawk column! I owe it all to Rick Lugari (mad props to him!) for being so charitable as to highlight the recent misbehavior of two cheerleaders. I sent these on to Iowahawk as fodder for his Hoosegow Honey section, and he acknowledged me by my very name:
And, while they are not Iowans, I would also like to award special Honorary Co-Hoosegow Honeys of the Week to two lovely lasses brought to my attention by alert readers Marcus McCain and Cat Hodge: Victoria Thomas and Angely Keathley, the two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders arrested after allegedly getting their mutual freak on in a Tampa nightclub bathroom stall. Sadly, the NFL club terminated their services after the incident, but I have to believe they now have employment opportunities aplenty.
I knew I would be famous one day, but I never dreamed it would be like this! Thank you, thank you, Iowahawk! (And Rick Lugari, too. I'll never call you an old goat again.)


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