

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

All Saints Day

Several days ago, Flos Carmeli had a post up about praying Hitler out of purgatory. On All Saints Day (or perhaps more appropriately, tomorrow on All Souls Day) this seems like an apt subject to contemplate. How willing are we to pray for the souls of those who have done evil -- particularly when it affects us personally?

Several years ago, someone who had grievously wronged a member of my family decades ago died. I have no idea in what state of mind this person died or how much thought or sorrow was directed toward an ancient sin. The thought of asking God for mercy for this soul is odious to me, especially as the consequences of the action are still resonating even now.

It is truly horrible, however, that I, who know God's love and am well-formed in the faith, should wish that anyone would spend eternity in hell, eternally separated from God. This is serious matter, not to be trifled with. My own sins are, in the purely human sense, far less consequential, yet perhaps my sin is greater in the eyes of God because my knowledge is greater. Should I wish for God's wrath on myself for wronging him so much that reparation could only be made by the death of His Son?

Pray for me that tonight at Mass I might be able to commend this soul, and my own, to God's unfathomable mercy.


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