

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Unequally Yoked Goes Catholic

Posting has been thin around here for the last while, because between one thing and another I've been on the road for nearly two weeks, and the whole family has been on the road for the last five days. What should happen while I was getting behind on my reading but Leah Libresco of the atheist blog Unequally Yoked announces that she is in RCIA and is now Leah of the Catholic blog Unequally Yoked. You can follow her responses to comments from some of her atheist readers in this post (my impression has generally been that atheist readers have, up till now, outnumbered Christian readers, at least in regards to who comments.)

I ran into Leah last year when she ran a "Ideological Turing Test" in which a number of writers tried to answer questions both as an atheist and as a Christian, and readers tried to determine who the real atheists and the real Christians were. A new round for this year just finished up.

Leah's a seriously interesting person, and I imagine her blog isn't going to settle down into a just-another-cookie-cutter-Catholic-blog rut any time soon:
I’m still confused about the Church’s teachings on homosexuality, I still need to do a lot of work to accept gifts graciously, and I still love steam engines.

Starting tomorrow, this blog is moving to the the Patheos Catholic channel (the url and RSS will remain unchanged). Meanwhile, I’m in RCIA classes at a DC parish, so you can look forward to more Parsing Catholicism tags (and after the discussion of universalism we had last week, I think it will be prudent to add a “Possibly Heretical” category).

This post isn’t the final word on my conversion. I’m sure there’s a lot more explaining and arguing to do, so be a little charitable in your read of this post and try to give me a little time to expand my ideas over the next few weeks. (Based on my in-person arguments to date, it seems like most of my atheist friends disagree two or three steps back from my deciding Morality is actually God. They usually diverge back around the bit where I assert morality, like math, is objective and independent of humans. As one of my friends said, “Well, I guess if I were a weird quasi-Platonist virtue ethicist, this would probably convince me”).
It's good to have her coming into the fold, and she'll certainly continue to be in my prayers.


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