

Friday, April 20, 2012

Greatest Hits

As Blogger forces me, at last, into it's "upgraded" interface, I find myself poking around at some of the newer features that I'd never used before. One of these is the expanded stats page which, among other things, allows you to see which of your posts have received the most visits during a period of time, or for the life of the stats database (which is back to May '09).

Looking at our own top-ten provides a few obvious choices, but also some quirky ones that show what Google has liked on DarwinCatholic over the years, or perhaps even how we've been useful to people. So, here's the Top Ten list for DarwinCatholic:

1) How Far Can We Go? -- MrsDarwin's review of Brett Salkeld & Leah Perrault's book on chastity and dating was picked up by several of the major portals and has had four times as many visitors as the next runner up.

2) How to Marry a Nice Girl -- the most recent post on the list, driven by link-back from the manosphere

3) African Rift Likely to Form New Ocean -- A quick science news post from the summer of 2010 which has drawn 2300+ visits thanks to Google.

4) Income Inequality: 1945 Edition -- I really have no idea why this wonkish dive into the finances of the characters in The Best Years of Our Lives has drawn so many readers in the last couple months, though it is certainly a worthwhile movie to watch.

5) A Frank Breech of Trust, revisited -- MrsDarwin's discussion of having a breech baby turned at 37 weeks has consistently drawn Google visitors over the years

6) The Vatican's Rifles -- The traffic drawn by this discussion of the only battle rifle ever commissioned specifically for the papal army demonstrates that if you write about something quirky enough, you can be an expert.

7) Poverty and Abortion: A New Analysis -- I was always pleased by this statistical analysis, and it seems Google is as well.

8) The Unmanly Bitterness of the Manosphere -- Argue with heavily traffic websites, end up with traffic.

9) Real Sex vs. the Contraceptive Mentality (Part 1) -- I'm not sure why it's specifically the first of this four parter that gets the most hits, but it was some writing I remain quite proud of.

10) The Magical Mystery Glock -- My discussion of the myths surrounding the Glock handgun also seems to be a persistent Google draw, and that makes two gun posts in the top ten, which isn't bad. Why no alcohol posts?


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