

Monday, March 8, 2010

Various and Sundry, Boring Edition

I procrastinate, therefore I blog.


Nashville peoples, we will be stopping in your fair city on the evening of Wednesday March 17, but we'll be arriving too late to meet up. If you'd like to do breakfast somewhere, let me know. We have to leave the area by 10 AM on Thursday at the latest.


If you'd be so good, please keep my sister in your prayers -- she's a week overdue, and baby seems exceptionally comfortable right where she is.


We're trying not to give way to full-blown panic at the thought of leaving on a big vacation in a week. Packing starts today. I'm tempted to just keep the kids in one outfit all week and get all their stuff safely stowed away early. I'm sure they'd love wearing the same clothes for seven days.


On top of vacation stuff, we have First Communion in six weeks. I've found a dress for the young communicant (maybe it would be a good idea to order it instead of just looking at the picture online), but other stuff like veils and shoes have not even been on my radar. And parties afterward, and out-of-town guests.


When the dishwasher first broke, we thought, "Oh, maybe this is a chance to simplify and get back to basics." And for a week, we kept on top of the washing and the counter was even clean. Now, a month later, we wash what we need before meals, cursing the hiding silverware. The repair guy comes today, and I say, "Simplifying is for the birds."


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