

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blogger Meet-up

Some worry that online life is in danger of drawing people away from their "real" communities and sucking people into a "virtual world" in which they know no one in person. I suppose this is a danger to an extent, but not only have I spent many a pleasant hour getting to know people online, but on those occasions when we've had the chance to meet fellow bloggers in person we've invariably had a wonderful time.

Thus it was with great joy that we hosted a Catholic Blogger Moot at the Darwin house yesterday, in which Jennifer, Dom, Melanie, Rick, Opinionated Homeschooler and Betty Beguiles were in attendance.

There was food and drink aplenty and also much of that easy, pleasant sort of conversation which is possible among those who have known each other for a long time -- except in this case some of these people I had not met in person more than once before.

We'll certainly be hosting similar gatherings again. If you're a Catholic blogger in the Austin area (or who visits the Austin area every so often) and you'd be interested to be included in future events, do let us know.


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