

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

"Do you hear that sound, Mr. Anderson?

That is the sound of inevitability." --Agent Smith, The Matrix

It seems like with every passing week I hear more often that it is inevitable that Hillary will win the Democratic nomination, and then win the presidency. I suppose that not everyone sees Hillary as Eva Peron and Delores Umbridge rolled into one unappealing package. I guess on this one I'm like the lady who famously said of Nixon's election: "I don't know how it happened. No one I know voted for him."

Part of me keeps hoping that nominating Hillary would be another example of the Democrat's inability to understand what would actually appeal to the half of the country not already in their interest group. Kerry was nominated pretty much strictly on the grounds of his "electability", which turned out not to be quite the force it was imagined to be.

And yet, the Republicans are seeming about as tone deaf this time around as when they presented us with the Dole/Kemp ticket. Indeed, I feel like I get some of the same, "Oh well, we're not going to win this one," vibe from people this time around as I did in '96.

All of which is rather too many words to say: I'm not relishing what I see coming up for the '08 elections.


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