

Monday, October 31, 2005

Punctuated equilibrium

In case you're wondering why daytime posting has been light from me Friday and today, I am experiencing the corporate version of punctuated equilibrium: Just as you are a terribly successful little life form, happy in your own niche, all of the selection criteria change, and you suddenly need to adapt to new circumstances or become extinct.

I don't think there's any danger of my extinction, but survival is right now a rather consuming business. In other words, I've been busy.

Nonetheless, I hope I can promise to have interesting posts coming back up in the near future. Among other things, I picked up a copy of Married to the Church on Amazon, after seeing it referred to in an essay by Michael Liccione. I can tell that theologically I have nothing in common with the author (he's an ex-seminarian who as far as I can tell is no longer Catholic) but the format of the book (interviews with the 21 priests from his seminary class (ordained in 1969) about their lives in the priesthood promises some interesting insights both into the priesthood and into the generation which, to put it overly simplistically, messed everything up.

I'm also awaiting a copy of John Farrell's new book The Day Without Yesterday, about priest and physicist Georges Lemaitre who was instrumental in formulating the Big Bang theory.


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