

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Da Man in Cologne

Be sure and check out my boy Papa Ratzi as he tries out a "sweet new style" to get the attention of all the homies at World Youth Day:
World Youth Day Address - working copy III

Word to your mother!
The Word came to us through our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary; which was a really rad thing, ya know? Lord Jesus Christ didn’t come in a Beamer all decked in bling bling; no, he came to us in a lowly manger, clothed in humility and poverty. As Our Good Lord’s main-homey right now, I come to you in humility and without bling bling, save my Pescatorio and pectoral cross.
And that's just the beginning... Also, don't forget to read down a few posts to get a first look at his controversial new encyclical, Dignitatis Felidae. And don't miss the comments box either.


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