

Sunday, July 31, 2005

I lay on my bed and ponder

Folks, it is 2:40 am, and I cannot sleep. There once was a time when I would be awake at 2:40 entirely through my own choice, but those days are long past; now I'm simply old and pregnant. There's no reason Smaskig should be so heavy at 9 1/2 weeks, or that it should already be uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. Of course, maybe it's because it's TOO DAMN HOT! as Cole Porter would say.

Psalm 4:3 says, "upon your beds ponder in silence" and Psalm 63:7, " When I think of you upon my bed, through the night watches I will recall...." I can't seem to shut my mind down, even though I desperately yearn to get some sleep. What I often do when I'm wide awake at night for whatever reason is reflect on this psalm -- sometimes I'm awake worrying about things; sometimes it's trivial things keeping me up; sometimes (like tonight) I just can't get the sheep together in my head -- if I'm up at night, I try to "ponder" in my bed, meditating on the inscrutable ways of God or offering Him my sleeplessness or praying for whomever passes through my mind. Most of the time I fall asleep shortly; when I don't, I can't complain that my time was wasted.

Off to bed to ponder...


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